Thursday, 14 June 2012

The Heavens have opened... so what does this mean for me now? 

Not only has my journey through JOUR1111 come to an end but so has my first semester of university. 

Am I in a devine state of clarity, where the World is waiting patiently infront of me? Absolutely not, I'm more confused and indecisive now than ever before. Do I like my course in Psych? Should I have taken a gap year? Is journalism the life for me? Should I drop out and become a finger painter in the Queen St Mall? I really have no idea what to do or who I should become. I guess I need more time in lectures and lonely parks to figure out what I want to do with this one life. For now I'll stay in my course and try to have fun with it. 

I'm going to miss having a reason to save all these memes when I find them and a place to randomly rant. I'm also going to miss going to those lazy afternoon lectures with my girls, as we take notes and sip on our cokes. I feel like I'm leaving school again to be tossed next semester once again into the deep end, not knowing where my classes are, who my tutors and lecturers are and who should I sit with and where abouts in the space will be "cool". 

I'll miss this little blog. I might have to make some other kind to post silly photos and music on. I feel like I'm saying good bye to a dear old friend. Although it's only been a quant 13 weeks, I'll miss you JOUR1111 I wish you all the best in your future endeavours, don't forget the love we shared and the long lonely nights you listened to my thoughts. And don't go loving next semesters students more than us, cause we were the best you'll ever have. 

Don't be a stranger. Good night Seattle, we love you.

You didn't think I'd leave without a couple of last memes did you?
Ciao Bella. 

Wednesday, 13 June 2012


Okay so it isn't shark week, but I'm having withdrawals. I wasted a lot of time last year watching the lives and behaviours of these silvery beasts. Also I miss Step Brothers and don't want to study so my resolution is shark memes, they make me chuckle silly misunderstood creatures. 

Don't try to understand this post, I'm at UQ attempting to study statistics and this seems like a better use of my time. #unilyf2012

Normality Smormaility! 

Everyone I know/am close to are wonderfully deranged, complete lunatics, basket case, thrill seeking, nutters. Who giggle in public maybe a little too much, say inappropriate things at inappropriate times that continuously make me snort coke from my nostrils, speak their mind no matter what deep weird things live there and want to be perpetually 'effed. It's the biggest soap opera to keep track of all these kids but at the end of the day they are all there for me and each other in their own little unique ways. From listening to you when you cry, to trying to "fix" things with puppet-ing, to cleaning kitchens in moments of stress. It's a bit of a mess but a loveable mess. We are all kind of fumbling through life in the best way we know how. Moving out may have been the biggest thing I've ever taken on, within my own control. I don't regret it at all. 

Here's some things I've learned from being a lone ranger; 

  1. I can't manage anything other than beans for breakfast
  2. I don't like loud foreign room-mates
  3. and I hate a dirty kitchen 
  4. That parks are not only relaxing but a great place to read a book, which i indulge in almost every day. 
  5. People without families get really lonely
  6. flouresent lights send you mad
  7. no home cooked food hurts you tum and your bank account
  8. your parents are actually lovely people who gave up a lot of youth to manage us
  9. everything is expensive
  10. liquor stores don't like packs of teenagers
  11. don't ever engage in conversation with a group of homeless people
  12. Shisha is a delicious middle eastern tradition and reminds me of strawberry liquorice 
  13. vomit in hallways costs big bucks
  14. the night guard doesn't like "happy mondays" 
  15. drawing on yourself is a weekly necessity 
  16. sushi is god.
  17. socks are fleeting and doing washing is lame 
  18. Talking about yourself isn't a bad thing, its trust building 
  19. P-pop is cost effective and a fun drink 
  20. Bus drivers aren't very nice people 
  21. university is a lot different to school but in many good ways 
  22. being independent makes me really happy 
  23. 711 has terrible security skills and the workers pretty poor grammar. 
  24. I need to listen to music everyday to feel sane 
  25. a single bed isn't that bad, just a bit toasty when people drop on in. 
  26. at the end of the day everyone no matter how sane/happy/rich/young/loved wants to feel needed and important to other people.

And finally 27. I over think everything, it's one of many quirks and I wouldn't change it just like I wouldn't change any of the others. 

In conclusion here is a song by Best Coast, I've already ticked them off my to see list and they were awesome. This song kind of summarises this point in my life I guess. But really it's just a good song, so have a listen. 

My highs my are high my lows are low
And I don't know which way to go 

I lost my job, I miss my mum, I wish my cat could talk 

And nothing makes me happy, 
not even TV, 
or a bunch of weed

Well I don't love you and I don't hate you. 

Monday, 11 June 2012

On a lighter note...

Here are some amusing things I've found around the place that made me chuckle and I hope they do the same to you. 

I want a miniature italian grey hound so bad, I'd put coats on him and recite snoop dog lyrics to him everyday. It would be blissful and life fulfilling and everyone would be a hater to our love. 

Also I just got an app on my phone to make my own pictures into memes like the ones above. Needless to say I've gone crazy with them. Facebook and my text messages are filled with ridiculous photos with even stupider captions. Who needs to study for final exams when there is funny to make. But seriously, exams are really soon. eek. 

It's all about the Life Experience, bebe

Pish posh, take me back to childhood bliss. Life continues to get more and more complicated and really I'm not even at mortgages and kids with chicken pox yet. Sometimes I wish I was still little and stupid, when I didn't notice how wrecked the world is and how terrible people always seem to be. I'm not talking the "guys are such jerks" or "people are always bitchin' about meh", I'm meaning the knowledge that many people are deep down rancid. Actually poison. But for one reason or another they are trapped in your life, whether because you love them or have to or because they are so tied up in your life. The people who boil your blood, who make you scream in your mind and cry in the shower. Why some people take pleasure in other people's pain has always been something that disturbs me. I guess some can be put down to human nature, we are fundamentally designed to want to prevail and be the survivor but there's some nasty shit going on around the place that can't be excused just by biology. Personal responsibility would be the answer but that's futile because they were born ruined. A constant cycle of pain will litter the world behind them.

OKAY GUYS. Sorry for the rant but it's something about the World that has always baffled and confused me. No matter where I am what I'm doing I seem to stumble apon the rancid, they are everywhere I guess. Don't get me wrong there's plenty of wonderful, trustworthy people out there but they seem to get out weighed by the bad at times (go away pesky melancholy). Procrastination from study has led me with too much time to think (stew) along with three dark and deep novels that I'm triple teaming depending on my mood. The Virgin Suicides, Bell Jar and The River Orphelia. Three books no psychologist would ever suggest reading together, but oh well. Each is about young women trying to cope with the pit falls and struggles of their lives, from adolescent angst, self hatred to the dangers of being in love with someone more than with yourself. In their own way all tragically beautiful. 


I always found the most powerful things in literature, the lines light up from the pages and stick in my mind promoting deep thought. Here are some I found in the dangerous 3. 

I woke up alarmed. 
I didn't know where I was at first just that I woke up in your arms. 
And almost immediately I felt sorry. 
Cos I didn't think this would happen again 
with or without my best intentions. 
(The beginning passage from The River Ophelia)

Her sunflower eyes fixed on the predicament
 of her life we would never understand.
(The Virgin Suicides)

The silence depressed me.
 It wasn't the silence of silence. 
It was my own silence.
(Bell Jar) 

Lecture 12


The last JOUR1111 lecture. Sadly we had a guest speaker. Don't get me wrong he was an interesting man but I was looking forward to hearing a bit of Bruce banter for the last time. But oh well, instead we learned about blogging in the real world. Aposed to Tumblr and what I consider blogging on here. To put it simple actually getting views and money for what you produce. Steve Morkington or better know as mister morks (really just morks) spent the hour session making crude jokes. As I look through my notes I see good definitions with examples that say things like "bum scratching" and "nose picking". I bit of potty humour never did any one any bad I guess. Well let's be honest here why does an internet blogger need to be professional? He's living the dream, what everyone else does in the pointless attempts to procrastinate, he makes money and fame from. Genius really.

He identified one of the beauties of blogging, you can be very specific with your interests and reach people who share such interests. No flicking through a news paper (although each have their own readership who chose it for specific uses). You like puppy memes? You want to hear about the war in the middle east? You want to know who's about to drop an album? Well there is something on the internet for you. It's the beauty of it really. You can adjust not only as a consumer you viewing but as a producer who you are getting to. Pushing your opinions and views onto the World into more likely to accept laps. Maybe there was some sense around the potty drivel after all.

From the beginning of the course we have been encouraged to just step out there and do it. Just put on the hat of a journalist and figure the rest out later. You don't get any where by sitting idly by, I think that was the beauty of what morks has done with his career. He has just jumped out there and filled a niche. Although this course keeps implicitly implying that journalism is on the decline, that is the traditional sense of journalism. It in fact I have realised has been to empower us to adapt to this new field of news and jump on the band wagon. Just get out there and leave the rest in the dust.

Good bye lazy Monday afternoon lectures, with these lovely ladies. We like coca-cola and getting caught in the rain. Needless to say we are all damsels in distress that really need to carry around some kind of cane to beat away young males who just can't resist us.

-You're squashing me 
-But I love you!
GOOGLE SEARCH: "Porn star eats man face"

The most ridiculous news story I've ever heard of, is it reality or media hype for a new movie? No, no it's real. What the fuck is wrong with the world? The news always has a couple of stories floating around during the week that disturb me but this one takes the cake. Have fun with that America!

Above is just an article I found on the interwebs of the matter, I found it amusing considering the mention of the Zombie apocalypse. Which we will win, obviously. 

Hipster Hannibal Lecter has no time for this tom foolery!