Not only has my journey through JOUR1111 come to an end but so has my first semester of university.
Am I in a devine state of clarity, where the World is waiting patiently infront of me? Absolutely not, I'm more confused and indecisive now than ever before. Do I like my course in Psych? Should I have taken a gap year? Is journalism the life for me? Should I drop out and become a finger painter in the Queen St Mall? I really have no idea what to do or who I should become. I guess I need more time in lectures and lonely parks to figure out what I want to do with this one life. For now I'll stay in my course and try to have fun with it.
I'm going to miss having a reason to save all these memes when I find them and a place to randomly rant. I'm also going to miss going to those lazy afternoon lectures with my girls, as we take notes and sip on our cokes. I feel like I'm leaving school again to be tossed next semester once again into the deep end, not knowing where my classes are, who my tutors and lecturers are and who should I sit with and where abouts in the space will be "cool".
I'll miss this little blog. I might have to make some other kind to post silly photos and music on. I feel like I'm saying good bye to a dear old friend. Although it's only been a quant 13 weeks, I'll miss you JOUR1111 I wish you all the best in your future endeavours, don't forget the love we shared and the long lonely nights you listened to my thoughts. And don't go loving next semesters students more than us, cause we were the best you'll ever have.
You didn't think I'd leave without a couple of last memes did you?
Ciao Bella.