Sunday, 10 June 2012

Lecture 11

Investigative Journalism

If your mother says she loves you, check it out in case

Investigation is the key to good journalism, this weeks lecture delved into the world of evidence based reporting. Always check your facts, ASSUME NOTHING! No body wants to be that journalist who spins a whole bunch of lies from some dodgy sources and lazy reporting (ahem, Gold Coast Bulletin). How do avoid being an arse hat? Some things to think of when doing a bit of sneaky investigation, keep it;  intelligent, informed, intuitive, inside, invest. As journalists (sounds a bit crazy but I remember the first lecture when Bruce told us to take on the role- indulge me please) we must be the gate keeper of ethics and avoid going all above the law to report on matter, I'm talking- stalking, theft, phone tapping and frued.

We have to be the custodians of conscience. This lecture was quite empowering, that journalists play such an important role in shedding light on the corruption of society and the ill doing of people in charge. I personally love when someone important is brought down, a little of underdog spirit. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie. Oi, Oi, Oi. Another definition we were given that I found quite delightful was "to provide a voice for those without one and to hold the powerful to account". That's some Robin Hood shit and to be honest is quite exciting, are we journalist or crime fighters? Pop a cape on me I'm ready to take on the villains! Another important point is to keep the publics interest at the fore front of the investigation.

Once again the new news terror looms over head. Investigation takes time, resources and finances. As time restraints tighten, workers are laid off and corporations demand more for their money, journalism is under stress. Hopefully the role of the investigative journalist doesn't die out cause then what will news become? It's scary enough that print media is dying (not that I don't like the convenience of internet news sites). The future is a frightening place.

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