Sunday, 10 June 2012

Endless Stupidity 

Here's a little look into my life in Urbanest, University accommodation. It's like the colleges at UQ but minus the legacy and traditions, add more international students and more ruckus. We don't have principles or on site churches, we have teddy bear night guards and catty receptionists. So really we can run a muck with little intervention, unless someone up chucks down one of the hall ways then there will be a nasty little fine waiting. The Friday night sausage sizzle does nothing to avoid the vomit that litters the place come saturday morning but its all fun and games until someone has a fire.

On a pirate ship, it took us down the Brisbane river until the crew realised we were just too drunk for our own good and were made to walk to plank at the nearest dock. Delirious and ridiculous the party didn't end there. Back to the nest we go a-ho-ho. 

When there's nothing to do or you just don't feel like studying, hit the city and run around. #innercityscumbags. This is us in the valley 2 cent store, needless to say the owner wanted us to leave. 

We decided to have a themed dinner, Mexico night was glorious. We had tequila slammers (pure evil in a bottle), nachos with all the toppings and hard and soft tacos. Before annoying the foyer staff with our drawn on moustaches and hats.

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